
Feature Highlights

eMuseum 6.1

Create complex searches straight from the Keyword Search bar without needing the Advanced Search or Filters. Search on specific fields using the field:value format (e.g. classification:"furniture").

🛡️ Dependency, Library, and Security Updates

eMuseum 6.0

🎨 Style and Configuration

eMuseum 6 puts you in control, allowing administrators to change the look and feel of your site with a set of easily useable controls—no coding required. Quickly manage fonts, colors, and spacing on your eMuseum site, from large elements such as the header, footer, and menu to complex elements such as the filter panel, result grid items, and detail page layout. Customizing your eMuseum site has never been easier.

📚 Groups

eMuseum 6 expands on the Categories page with the addition of Search Groups. Now, admins can create groups of pre-defined queries in eMuseum, which can be nested and given their representative name, notes, and image, adding a new dimension to your online collection.

🖼️ Media Downloads, Permissions, and Custom Sizes

In the new version of eMuseum, administrators can easily control the availability of media types and derivatives for specific user roles. Additionally, admins can grant download permissions and create custom image derivatives for downloading or other purposes from the configuration interface.

🗓️ Loans and Events Modules

eMuseum 6 includes new Loans and Events modules, so you can easily search, filter, and relate Loans and Events to your other eMuseum content.

⚡External Vocabularies: ULAN

The Getty Research Institute’s Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) database is a powerful resource for digital collections. This free database tool houses the information and historical context of over 300,000 artists with more than 720,000 entries. With eMuseum 6, you can easily link your constituent records to this resource using TMS and eMuseum.

📄 Reporting

Configure and style reports in eMuseum’s all-new Reports Manager. Administrators can create unlimited reports for any module and view, with configurable fields and security applied to all.

🔗 Managing Data Exchange - Prism

Manage data and media exchange between TMS and eMuseum seamlessly through eMuseum’s new companion application—Prism. Prism replaces SQL import scripts and the eMuseum Thumbnailer, handling all media management. Prism allows admins to easily configure the publication criteria and field data published to eMuseum and how often data is pushed to eMuseum. Managing the publication of data and media and keeping it nearly in sync with TMS is not only possible with Prism—it’s effortless.

🎉 Additional features

  • Collection highlights and custom ordering: Collections can be manually ordered, and package Objects will display in the same order set in TMS Package Explorer. Collection detail pages also display a preview of highlighted objects.

  • Infinite scrolling: Optionally disable standard paging in favor of Infinitely scrolling through search results.

  • Search autocomplete: Configure emuseum to suggest searches based on Select field criteria.

  • Similar works: Display similar works on all module detail pages Derived from configurable common field data.

  • Page and module restrictions: Set top-level restrictions on entire modules (objects, exhibitions, loans, etc.) and pages (favorites, thesaurus, groups) to select user roles.

  • Privacy settings: Set a custom privacy policy and display a privacy Banner. Mass export and/or delete user data, And more.

  • Instant image zooming: Images can be set to zoom automatically with a single configuration option.

  • Dozens of new configuration options, including:

    • Numerous new field options

    • Extensive usability improvements

    • Seo enhancements

    • Support for accessibility

    • Faster indexing

Last updated