This page explains the installation procedure for eMuseum.
By default, the following ports will be used:
HTTP: 80
HTTPS: 443
Shutdown: 8005
Solr: 8983
On Windows, we will install everything into a base folder (e. g. C:\eMuseum
It is recommended to use the major version in the folder name but leave out any other version part. That will ensure that references do not need to be adjusted on every update.
eMuseum Installation Package
Acquire an eMuseum installation package as the first step of the installation. Default packages can be downloaded from the Community Portal.
Create a base folder, e. g. C:\eMuseum
, and extract the installation package into it. Rename the resulting installation folder to home
3rd-party Requirements
Next, install all required 3rd-party requirements.
Install Java
Install Java in the required version.
Download Java from Make sure to pick the correct version and architecture. Then, install it to C:\eMuseum\jdk17
(adjust the folder name to match the Java version).
Install Tomcat
Install the required version of Tomcat.
Download Tomcat from For an easy installation that includes a service, pick the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer.
Execute the installer. Un-check all additional options like the documentation and the manager, but select all options under the root item (Tomcat Native and service). The first path the installer asks for is the Java directory, not the Tomcat installation folder. Select C:\eMuseum\jdk17
. The second path will be the Tomcat installation folder. Select C:\eMuseum\Tomcat9
(adjust the folder name to match the Tomcat version). Use only “eMuseum” as the name; the installer will add “Apache Tomcat” in front of it. Starting the service to let Tomcat create some default folders is recommended.
After the installation, stop the Tomcat service and increase the memory by executing the Tomcat configuration utility at C:\eMuseum\Tomcat9\bin\eMuseumw.exe
. Under the tab “Java,” set the start memory to “512” and the maximum memory to a minimum of “4096”.
Next, adjust the port of the HTTP connector in C:\eMuseum\Tomcat9\conf\server.xml
from “8080” to “80” and increase the maxParameterCount to "3000":
To set up HTTPS, uncomment one of the example connectors, change its port to “443” and adjust the TLS settings.
Install Database Management Engine
If you want to use a standalone database instance, install one of the supported Database Management Systems. Otherwise, use an existing database server.
Install Solr
If you want to use a standalone instance of Solr, please follow the following steps. If you plan to use a shared instance, skip the next steps.
Download the Solr binary release from and extract the package to C:\eMuseum\solr9
(adjust the folder name to match the Solr version).
On the download page, you will only find tar.gz files. However, on a recent version of Windows, the following tar can be used via the command line to extract the package (adjust the filename to match the Solr version):
Configure the JVM that Solr uses by setting the following line in C:\eMuseum\solr9\bin\
To set up Solr as a service, download the latest version of the Windows Service Wrapper (WinSW) from (pick the Windows 64-bit executable). Move the file to C:\eMuseum\home\utils\WinSW
and rename it to eMuseumSolr.exe
. Next, rename the XML file eMuseumSolr.example.xml
in that folder to eMuseumSolr.xml
(both the XML and the exe files have to have the same name). Finally, open a command prompt with administrator permissions, navigate to the folder, and run the following command:
Start the service.
eMuseum Application
Create Database
Create a new eMuseum database including user as follows.
If you want to use SQL Server Management Studio, open it, connect to the database server, and do the following steps:
Create a new login with the name “emuseum” and a strong password. Disable all password policies.
Create a new database named “emuseum” with the owner set to “emuseum” and the Recovery Model set to “simple”
Alternatively, run the following SQL script (adjust the login password!):
Create Database Schema
Since version 6.4, eMuseum creates the database schema automatically on start-up.
Create Solr cores
Copy eMuseum’s core configuration to Solr’s data folder.
Copy eMuseum’s core configuration from C:\eMuseum\home\solr\solr9
to Solr’s data folder.
If Solr has been installed for eMuseum only, the data folder will be C:\eMuseum\solr9\server\solr
If Solr is not used exclusively for eMuseum, the data folder depends on the Solr setup. Rename the core folders to emuseum_records
and emuseum_vocabularies
(if you use a shared Solr instance for several eMuseum applications, use a prefix like the client name). Additionally, change the core names inside files within the core folders to match the folder names.
Restart Solr for the changes to take effect. Optionally, you can log in to the Solr admin dashboard at http://localhost:8983/ and check if the two cores are listed.
Deploy Webapp
Create a context descriptor by copying an example context.xml
file from C:\eMuseum\home\bin\context
to C:\eMuseum\home\bin\ROOT.xml
which matches the database management system (e. g. context.mssql.xml for SQL Server).
Adjust the following settings:
emuseum.home The path to the eMuseum folder:
(Windows) or/var/opt/emuseum
(Linux)emuseum.jdbcurl The database connection URL
emuseum.dbuser The database user name
emuseum.dbpassword The database user password
solr.serverUrl The base URL of the Solr server
solr.corePrefix The prefix of the Solr cores (including any trailing character like
Copy the context descriptor to Tomcat.
Copy the XML file from above to Tomcat’s configuration folder: C:\eMuseum\Tomcat9\conf\Catalina\localhost\ROOT.xml
Deploy the war file.
To deploy the webapp on Window, copy the war file from C:\eMuseum\home\bin\emuseum-6.4.war
(adjust the version number) to C:\eMuseum\Tomcat9\webapps\ROOT.war
For Tomcat to match the configuration with the application, it is crucial that the war file and the context description have the same name (except for the file extension).
Start the Tomcat service.
First Start
Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost/admin. Login as superuser/superuser.
Change Superuser Password
Change the superuser password to a strong password.
Set License
Set a license under Configuration → Application → License.
Configure Application
Adjust the following application settings:
Application name
Use HTTPS (if enabled and a domain has been set up)
Last updated
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