
This page documents all notable changes to eMuseum.



  • Fix report for large dataset not crashing application

  • Add new database indexes for linked tables

  • Do not link values from filterable fields when a standard license is applied

  • Do not expose media request values in the media request error page

  • Close all prepared statements during the import

  • Fix the Restricted Bots filter to throw an NPE if the User-Agent is empty



  • Update Tapestry to version 5.8.6



  • Modify sitemap projection query to respect record role restrictions

  • Fix multi value fields to include all values on multi views

  • Do not use phrases in Advanced Search queries for nested fields

  • Close all asset streams

  • Do not load non-image media into reports

  • Fix report field configuration to index new fields

  • Always set both “width” and “height” in IIIF Image API image sizes

  • Include the full image size in IIIF Image API info

  • Fix “on” canvas URI in IIIF Image info

  • Record node in indexing history when indexing media or vocabulary fields

  • Improve default label for “alphaSort” field in People module

  • Do not use stop words filter for keyword fields on Solr 9

  • Handle combination of thesaurus and date range filter

  • Properly encode thesaurus filter values for results API links

  • Fix Labels configuration page when default language is not English

  • Fix JSON API for advanced search results when the language is explicitly set via the URL



  • Allow Advanced Search multiselect blank option label customizations

  • Fix image derivatives after disabling "pad to square"

  • Fix duplicated results when returning to results page for Infinite Scrolling

  • Honor "page" parameter for result sets if Infinite Scrolling is enabled

  • Overwrite default labels for result views for secondary languages

  • Prevent report generation for disabled reports

  • Fix Output Markup option for Object “titles” field

  • Address default invno field suggestions settings

  • Fix deletion of custom fields not leaving API references behind



  • Fix Bootstrap JavaScript includes



  • Update Tapestry to version 5.8.3


  • Fix Thesaurus Solr processor count for type-filtered fields

  • Include Loans and Events without media in Sitemap.xml

  • Delete Network API package if extracting data fails

  • Fix search within Thesaurus tree

  • Fix JSON API for search results when the language is explicitly set via the URL

  • Trigger re-index on media import

  • Add mimetype as "type" attribute to embedded documents

  • Fix initial state of DisableByRadio mixin

  • Fix date filter display for Virtual Groups based on dates

  • Support Thesaurus terms for search suggestions

  • Use minimal tokenization/filtering for search suggestions

  • Run Solr processor for cross-module relationships on all modules



  • Use W3C datetime format for Sitemap.xml

  • Fix display of people display name with HTML characters

  • Fix field label overwrites for multiple languages

  • Move Solr 9 autocommit settings to update handler

  • Use URL Service for encoding Collection parameter

  • Do not use Solr stop words filter for keyword fields

  • Fix record count for multi-view reports

  • Fix long loading times for multi-select lists

  • Update sitemap media links to use URL service with primary media node and source ID values

  • Load robots.txt when site runs in production mode



  • Use list for “profile” property in IIIF Image API’s image information response

  • Fix image mirroring

  • Handle Thesaurus concepts without descriptor in filter panel gracefully

  • Rename WinSW example file for Solr service to avoid overwriting

  • Prevent user from entering negative quick search boost values

  • Fix display of Thesaurus term on Event and Media details page

  • Prevent unrestricted access to Favorites of other users via reports

  • Prevent unrestricted access to some configuration pages

  • Prevent Stored XSS in usernames

  • Prevent anonymous users from creating Virtual Groups and Favorites

  • Do not expose full file path in image upload error message

  • Prevent unrestricted access to restricted records via reports



  • Add GitLab pipeline job to automatically deploy customizations projects


  • Make Advanced Search errors in results views visible to user

  • Handle fields without "name" attribute for People letters gracefully

  • Fix indexing progress for join fields with multiple values

  • Fix typo in Exhibitions index page route

  • Fix indexing progress for join fields without purpose

  • Support custom media dispatchers for link generation

  • Render Unicode characters in reports properly



  • Respect role restrictions on records in relation to related module views

  • Add missing value for "events.vocindexingevent-label" to message catalogue

  • Fix user media files to fallback to regular media files for Network API version 1.1

  • Transform images if user media is enabled

  • Do not link Thesaurus attributes on standard license level

  • Fix parameter encoding when switching language

  • Fix "nullable" for several entity attributes

  • Fix URL encoding of context path parameters

  • Fix error when navigating to a person from the People/Index page after scrolling

  • Do not call "optimize" after Solr indexing

  • Fix searching related records

  • Move Solr autocommit settings to update handler



  • Set default omit generator meta config value in internal web.xml

  • Do not hardcode perpage value when infinite scrolling is enabled

  • Index only report fields that are for multi-view reports

  • Fix custom fields to show up in detail reports

  • Pass module name to search result pages correctly

  • Hide empty labels in reports

  • Fix HTTP cache headers for Custom CSS file

  • Do not log warning for single-value fields without nested value on detail pages

  • Update JSass to version 5.10.5



  • Fix user media files to fallback to regular media files

  • Fix display of TDB thesaurus based term values in reports

  • Limit in-memory caches by entry count instead of memory size

  • Fix position of modal close button

  • Fix exception for fields with multiple values in multiview reports

  • Fix default language for custom UI literals file

  • Fix message catalogue in Thesaurus select model

  • Fix comparison of fields without label on media configuration page

  • Handle duplicated section keys in the message catalogue

  • Fix "colud" typo in "sort field not found" message

  • Fix favorites toolbar delete check to show correctly

  • Only allow the currently logged in user or admins to download a users data in CSV

  • Gracefully handle invalid Thesaurus concept URIs for filters etc.

  • Fix IIIF icon display and add icon alt text

  • Fix list/list item markup surrounding language switcher in footer



Revert changes on db create scripts



  • Use Solr auto commits to avoid large transaction logs

  • Clean up generated reports

  • Fix module intro text editor

  • Handle Thesaurus concepts without descriptor

  • Show blank option for type-filtered field values

  • Sort type-filter values by Unicode rules

  • Make data role import by name case-insensitive

  • Fix migration of primary key for collections_objects table

  • Fix field “mediaExistence” on detail pages

  • Delete Network API package if chunk transfer is aborted

  • Fix ImageViewer padding-bottom on Category Group pages

  • Fix severity for Group edit configuration error message

  • Fix Discover More fields not being configurable

  • Fix Person Object images logic to use only non-null media entries

  • Fix scheduled job to clean import/indexing history

  • Use count query to check relationship existence

  • Show memory values on admin dashboard in Megabyte

  • Sort Nodes on Nodes index page alphabetically by default



  • Fix saving an empty Restricted Words List

  • Do not set HTTP header "Connection" for stream responses

  • Do not call “optimize” after Solr indexing

  • Disable Solr “infoStream” option

  • Fix CSS class conflict when configuring the Name field as a filter option

  • Set session timeout in web.xml

  • Fix image loading icon to disappear for Infinite Scrolling on non-Masonry layouts

  • Re-enable building Solr suggesters

  • Limit file transformation cache by entry count instead of memory size



  • Fix overlapping images for files with width and height not being set

  • Preserve many2many relationship references on upgrade

  • Support Solr via HTTPS

  • Fix thumbnails on Groups List configuration page

  • Fix Favorites being indexed by a full indexing



  • Create config option for img alt text

  • Make Solr core names configurable

  • Add IIIF Presentation Collection for result sets

  • Add option/action to clean import/indexing history

  • Add detail and multiview API field configuration

  • Limit media processing to small number of threads

  • Update RESTEasy to version 5

  • Add profile configuration for IIIF metadata fields

  • Use Apache Commons Bean Utils to access properties

  • Use static URIs in mapping

  • Add option to disable Relevance sort per module

  • Provide field configuration for selectable Advanced Search field values

  • Use GitLab’s Maven repository

  • Show multiview tiles on page load and re-layout after each image has been loaded

  • Set aspect ratio for images on multiviews

  • Update Tapestry to version 5.7

  • Replace JAXB with Java classes for Config and Profiles

  • Show the git version description on admin dashboard

  • Use persistent URLs for IIIF resources

  • Upgrade Gradle Wrapper to version 7

  • Output multi-value fields correctly in IIIF Presentation API

  • Reorganize field configuration loop groupings

  • Add option for preventing crawling of entire site

  • Stream writing of RDF data

  • Replace Apache Jena with Eclipse RDF4J

  • Report Thesaurus import progress

  • Support automatic database schema migration

  • Use the FieldLabel component for rendering the Object Detail onview label

  • Use "Preserve Linebreaks" option for dimensions field by default

  • Omit Tapestry generator metatag

  • Update Hikari to version 5

  • Use single-column primary key for many2many relationship tables

  • Flip Virtual Group name and URL fields

  • Add generic TML overrides for custom filtered fields

  • Get image dimensions from file header

  • Do not compare CSRF tokens for new and expired sessions

  • Update SpotBugs Gradle plugin to version 5

  • Update Spring Data to version 2.6

  • Update Spring Security to version 5.6

  • Update Hibernate to version 5.6

  • Update Apache Commons IO to version 2.11

  • Update Jackson Databind to version 2.13

  • Update Solr and Lucene to version 8.11

  • Update Bouncy Castle to version 1.70

  • Update JSONjava to version 20211205

  • Update Apache Tika to version 2

  • Update Handlebars to version 4.3

  • Update OpenCSV to version 5.6

  • Update javassist to version 3.28

  • Update Microsoft JDBC to version 10

  • Update jQuery UI to version 1.13

  • Update video.js to version 7.18

  • Preserve external vocabulary data during data import

  • Do not use a single transaction for importing data from external vocabularies

  • Index fields for external vocabularies after import

  • Reduce expiry for "file transformation" cache

  • Increase database connection pool settings

  • Move metadata options to application configuration page

  • Show all available modules on field configuration page

  • Index module after enabling it

  • Validate field mapping for complex attributes

  • Replace getScaledInstance() for resizing images

  • Expose metrics in OpenMetrics format

  • Operate Solr as a system service

  • Remove Solr JMX configuration

  • Update Tapestry to version 5.8

  • Update saved search queries for Groups based on Favorites

  • Support TIFF image format by IIIF Image API

  • Remove TMS Table/Field column from field configuration

  • Let Solr processor decide if to run

  • Remove Profile field attribute “iterate”

  • Add potential re-index warning to field configuration page

  • Split Liquibase changelog for EM-3174

  • Pass root entity to Network API mapping source methods

  • Close Networkapi transfer client

  • Use separate Liquibase changelog files for custom schema updates

  • Avoid Tapestry warnings about jQuery UI images

  • Add handling for custom thesconcepts in the Advanced Search

  • Hide Advanced Search “select list” for non-text fields

  • Place "CharsetFilter" filter after "StoreIntoGlobals" filter

  • Update RDF4J to version 4

  • Increase Solr memory requirements

  • Resolve Thesaurus concept URIs on multiviews

  • Hide Node name in type-filtered field types for singe-Node instances

  • Cache component class resolution

  • Use parallel streams for Profile lookups

  • Update Gradle Wrapper to version 7.4

  • Update JSON library to version 20220320

  • Update Apache Tika vo version 2.4

  • Update Solr and Lucene to version 9

  • Update .gitignore to account for new solr directory structure

  • Group type-filter values by their label

  • Automatically migrate Profile changes

  • Indicate deleted type-filter values in field config

  • Support Java 17


  • Index API result fields

  • Fix clipboard copy function

  • Fix creating custom flex fields without associated group

  • Use label overrides in API output

  • Fix schema generation to be compatible with Jena version

  • Fix thesaurustermspath fieldId reference

  • Fix display of custom thesaurus field values in filter panel

  • Fix Liquibase changelog for EM-2829

  • Fix custom thesaurus fields searchable without “thesconcepts” field being searchable

  • Fix literals that inherit other literals from appearing as being overridden

  • Fix Alternative Text Ellipsis description typo

  • Fix adding/removing fields to/from Reports

  • Set the correct number of media processing threads at startup

  • Fix validation of type-filtered field modal

  • Handle Thesaurus values without language gracefully

  • Close Solr client on application shutdown

  • Update enabled modules after applying new license

  • Fix field configuration to add multiview fields to Profile mapping

  • Fix deleting of field mapping

  • Allow Advanced Search select list option for "keyword" fields

  • Fix error when creating a type-filtered Flex Field without a group

  • Fix Thesaurus tree count if "use select list" option is enabled

  • Handle new elements for existing configuration

New Feature

  • Add UI to manage translation literals/properties

  • Allow admins to create new fields based on sub queries of existing fields

Last updated