Upgrade Guide

This document describes the process of upgrading an installed instance of the eMuseum application. It is recommended to stop the application server before any of the steps mentioned below. Start it a

Backup Data

Before upgrading any part, make sure to backup the following files and folders in the EMUSEUM_HOME directory:

  • customcss/

  • logos/

  • profiles/

  • watermarks/

  • skins/

  • messages/

  • config.xml

If an external database is used, backup the database using the tools provided by the database management system.

Software Prerequisites

The update of the required software, including Java, Tomcat, and Solr, is independent of the update of eMuseum itself and should be done regularly. Update the runtime environment and the application server and re-apply all custom configuration options.

eMuseum Home Director

Download the new installation package and extract its content into the EMUSEUM_HOME directory. Ensure all files and sub-directories are still readable and writable by the user under which the application server runs.


Run the SQL statements from the Release Notes against the eMuseum database via any method suitable for the database system.

Deploy Application

Deploy the new war file to the application server as described in the Installation Guide. If the “auto-deployment” feature is enabled, this can be done by copying the file EMUSEUM_HOME/bin/emuseum.war (the filename will include the new version, e. g. emuseum-6.2.war ) to the directory TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/. Make sure to adjust the file name to match the existing one in the webapps folder before copying the file.

Manual Intervention

Check the release notes for the version you're updating for any additional steps.

Last updated